Studies on the haemolymph constituents of the spiny lobster Panulirus homarus (Linnaeus)
Studies on the haemolymph constituents of the spiny lobster Panulirus homarus (Linnaeus) by PL. Manjula - M. Sc - Coimbatore Tamil Nadu Agricultural University 1994 - 64p Col. photo
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"Total Heamocyte count (THC) in moult stages A, C and D in Panulirus homarus was found to be 9262, 16098 and 11397 cells/mm3 respectively, using a haemocytometer. There was no significant difference in THC between sexes and different size groups, whereas there was a decline in THC in starved and infected animals. Four haemocyte types were identified as prohyalocytes, hyalocytes, eosinophilic granulocytes and chromophobic granulocytes, based on cell size, shape, nucleus and cytoplasmic granules, using geimsa stain. There was significant difference in the percentages of all the four haemocyte types between different size groups, moult stages and starved animals. Sex did not exert any influence upon differential haemocyte counts, but hyalocyte percentages varied significantly between infected and healthy lobsters. Haemocytes were found to be involved in the phagocytosis of foreign particles demonstrated through the invivo response of the lobsters to bacterial injection. Haemagglutinins against fish RBC and bacteria were detected in the lobster's serum by agglutination assay. Haemagglutination titer was found to be the highest for fish RBC's, but there was no marked difference in the agglutinin titers for bacteria between the serum of immunized and unimmunized lobsters."
Haemolymph - Spiny lobster
Studies on the haemolymph constituents of the spiny lobster Panulirus homarus (Linnaeus) by PL. Manjula - M. Sc - Coimbatore Tamil Nadu Agricultural University 1994 - 64p Col. photo
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"Total Heamocyte count (THC) in moult stages A, C and D in Panulirus homarus was found to be 9262, 16098 and 11397 cells/mm3 respectively, using a haemocytometer. There was no significant difference in THC between sexes and different size groups, whereas there was a decline in THC in starved and infected animals. Four haemocyte types were identified as prohyalocytes, hyalocytes, eosinophilic granulocytes and chromophobic granulocytes, based on cell size, shape, nucleus and cytoplasmic granules, using geimsa stain. There was significant difference in the percentages of all the four haemocyte types between different size groups, moult stages and starved animals. Sex did not exert any influence upon differential haemocyte counts, but hyalocyte percentages varied significantly between infected and healthy lobsters. Haemocytes were found to be involved in the phagocytosis of foreign particles demonstrated through the invivo response of the lobsters to bacterial injection. Haemagglutinins against fish RBC and bacteria were detected in the lobster's serum by agglutination assay. Haemagglutination titer was found to be the highest for fish RBC's, but there was no marked difference in the agglutinin titers for bacteria between the serum of immunized and unimmunized lobsters."
Haemolymph - Spiny lobster