Quality changes in cultured penaeid shrimps during storage in ice
Quality changes in cultured penaeid shrimps during storage in ice by M. Karthikeyan - M. F. Sc - Thoothukudi Fisheries College and Research Institute 1995 - 74p
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"The quality characteristics of cultured penaeid shrimp, Penaeus indicus (H Milne Edwards) immediately after harvesting and during ice storage was studied. In fresh cultured shrimps, potential human pathogens such as Vibrio cholerae, Slmonella and E. coli were absent except V. parahaemolyticus. The effect of various handling methods such as washing in seawater, disinfection with chlorine solution, sodium metabisulphite treatment and after exposure to ambient temperature (30�C) for a 6 h on the quality of shrimps during ice storage was investigated by biochemical, bacteriological and sensory methods. The levels of total protein nitrogen, water soluble nitrogen, non-protein nitrogen, alpha amino nitrogen and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances values of the iced shrimp samples decreased with period of storage due to the leaching effect of melting ice water. The pH of iced shrimp increased significantly whicg could be used as an quality index. The handling methods such as washing and disinfection and sodium metabisulphate treatment reduced microbial load of culture shrimps and improved the bacterial quality of iced shrimps. The acceptability of cultured shrimps in iced condition declined steadily with the period of storage in association with a decline in water soluble nitrogen levels and an increase in pH and TPC. Formation of black discolouration in iced shrimps was delayed upto 8 days in metabisulphite treated shrimps. Delay in icing and unwashed resulted in poor quality and reduced shelflife. For every hour's delay in icing 1.21 days storage in ice is lost. Icing shrimp without washing waas after exposure to ambient temperature for 6 h was to have similar impact on shrimp quality and shelflife. Unwashed, washed, chlorine treated, metabisulphite treated and shrimps iced after exposure to ambient temperature for 6 h had 12.39, 16.55, 18.21 to 18.76, 22.45 and 11.23 days of shelflife in iced condition. The seawater washed, chlorine treated and sodium metabisulphite treated shrimps had 4.16, 6.1 and 10.06 days of increased shelflife over unwashed shrimps and 5.32, 7.26 and 11.22 days over the sample iced after exposure to ambient temperature for 6 hours."
Quality - Shrimp
Quality changes in cultured penaeid shrimps during storage in ice by M. Karthikeyan - M. F. Sc - Thoothukudi Fisheries College and Research Institute 1995 - 74p
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"The quality characteristics of cultured penaeid shrimp, Penaeus indicus (H Milne Edwards) immediately after harvesting and during ice storage was studied. In fresh cultured shrimps, potential human pathogens such as Vibrio cholerae, Slmonella and E. coli were absent except V. parahaemolyticus. The effect of various handling methods such as washing in seawater, disinfection with chlorine solution, sodium metabisulphite treatment and after exposure to ambient temperature (30�C) for a 6 h on the quality of shrimps during ice storage was investigated by biochemical, bacteriological and sensory methods. The levels of total protein nitrogen, water soluble nitrogen, non-protein nitrogen, alpha amino nitrogen and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances values of the iced shrimp samples decreased with period of storage due to the leaching effect of melting ice water. The pH of iced shrimp increased significantly whicg could be used as an quality index. The handling methods such as washing and disinfection and sodium metabisulphate treatment reduced microbial load of culture shrimps and improved the bacterial quality of iced shrimps. The acceptability of cultured shrimps in iced condition declined steadily with the period of storage in association with a decline in water soluble nitrogen levels and an increase in pH and TPC. Formation of black discolouration in iced shrimps was delayed upto 8 days in metabisulphite treated shrimps. Delay in icing and unwashed resulted in poor quality and reduced shelflife. For every hour's delay in icing 1.21 days storage in ice is lost. Icing shrimp without washing waas after exposure to ambient temperature for 6 h was to have similar impact on shrimp quality and shelflife. Unwashed, washed, chlorine treated, metabisulphite treated and shrimps iced after exposure to ambient temperature for 6 h had 12.39, 16.55, 18.21 to 18.76, 22.45 and 11.23 days of shelflife in iced condition. The seawater washed, chlorine treated and sodium metabisulphite treated shrimps had 4.16, 6.1 and 10.06 days of increased shelflife over unwashed shrimps and 5.32, 7.26 and 11.22 days over the sample iced after exposure to ambient temperature for 6 hours."
Quality - Shrimp