Organic chemistry
Organic chemistry by Robert Thornton Morrison and Robert Neilson Boyd - 4th - Boston "Allyn and Bacon, Inc" 1983 - "xxix, 1370p"
Includes references
"Proceedings of the International Confeence seafood 2000 celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Canadian Institute of Fishery Technology of the Technical University of Nova Scotia, 13 - 16 May, 1990, Halifax, Canada"
Organic chemistry
Organic chemistry by Robert Thornton Morrison and Robert Neilson Boyd - 4th - Boston "Allyn and Bacon, Inc" 1983 - "xxix, 1370p"
Includes references
"Proceedings of the International Confeence seafood 2000 celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Canadian Institute of Fishery Technology of the Technical University of Nova Scotia, 13 - 16 May, 1990, Halifax, Canada"
Organic chemistry