"Ecology and ethology of fishes: proceedings of the 2nd biennial symposium on the ethology and behavioral ecology of fishes, held at Normal, Ill., U.S.A., October 19-22, 1979"
Ecology and Ethology of Fishes (2nd: 1979: U.S.A.)
"Ecology and ethology of fishes: proceedings of the 2nd biennial symposium on the ethology and behavioral ecology of fishes, held at Normal, Ill., U.S.A., October 19-22, 1979" - "Dr W. Junk Publishers," 1981
"Ecology and ethology of fishes: proceedings of the 2nd biennial symposium on the ethology and behavioral ecology of fishes, held at Normal, Ill., U.S.A., October 19-22, 1979" - "Dr W. Junk Publishers," 1981